Group Therapy

Supportive Group Therapy on the Central Coast

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Providing Accessible Support

At The Red Chair Therapy on the Central Coast, we provide group therapy sessions that focus on supporting individuals who have remained at work despite their day-to-day challenges. The Red Chair Therapy sees the importance of accessible support during the working week. The group therapy sessions we offer are scheduled weekly in an effort to provide ongoing support for those who have alcohol or drug addiction and those with anxiety and depression.​

Support groups typically bring together people facing similar issues, such as illness, relationship problems or major life changes. Members often share experiences and advice, as it can generally be helpful to talk with other people in the same situation.

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Benefits of a Support Group

​In a support group, you’ll typically find people with similar problems. Members of a support group usually share their personal experiences and offer one another emotional comfort and moral support. They may also provide practical advice and tips to help you cope with your situation.

Benefits of participating in support groups may include:

  • Feeling less lonely, isolated or judged
  • Gaining a sense of empowerment & control
  • Improving your coping skills & sense of adjustment
  • Talking openly & honestly about your feelings
  • Reducing distress, depression, anxiety or fatigue
  • Developing a clearer understanding of what to expect with your situation
  • Getting practical advice or information about treatment options
  • Comparing notes about resources, such as doctors and alternative options

But remember that support groups aren’t a substitute for regular medical care. Let your doctor know that you’re participating in a support group. If you don’t think a support group is appropriate for you but you need help coping with your condition or situation, please contact us for individual therapy.

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Weekly Support Groups

At The Red Chair Therapy, we understand that there are certain times during the working week that are more challenging, for example, Thursday and Friday nights for our addicted population. It is difficult not to join colleagues at the end of the week in the pub as is traditional. With this in mind, we hold support groups on Thursday lunchtime for one hour and Friday evening for 1.5 hours. ​

If you are keen to learn more, please send an expression of interest below. A therapist will contact you to answer any questions you may have. Groups will run when we have a minimum of five participants.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn More
  • What is group therapy?

    Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy in which a small group of individuals with similar issues or challenges meets regularly with a trained therapist. The group typically provides a supportive environment where members can share their experiences, receive feedback and learn from each other.

  • How does group therapy differ from individual therapy?

    Group therapy involves multiple participants who share and explore their issues together under the guidance of a therapist, while individual therapy is a one-on-one session between the client and therapist. Group therapy offers the benefit of peer support, allowing members to learn from each other’s experiences and build a sense of community.

  • How confidential is group therapy?

    Confidentiality is a key component of group therapy. All members are expected to respect each other’s privacy and not disclose what is shared in the group to outsiders. Therapists also uphold strict confidentiality rules, aiming to ensure that the group remains a safe and trusted space for open discussion.

  • Who can benefit from participating in a support group?

    Support groups can benefit anyone facing challenges such as illness, addiction or mental health. Participants could benefit from the shared experiences and insights of others in similar situations, which can provide comfort, reduce feelings of isolation and offer practical advice for managing their circumstances. 

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